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This issue is caused because of skipping step 5, "Set up the compiler config".
Next Steps:
Go back to the 10-Minute Tutorial
Redo step 5. Set up the compiler config
You need to change the configuration file in remix, as well as enable via-ir
to true.
Ensure you complete step 5 (from 10-Minute Tutorial) OR copy and paste the following snippet into the textbox below the "Use configuration file" toggle.
The open and accessible ABI Playground from Oasis Network is a wonderful innovation. Sometimes, however, it can experience minor issues, such as the one seen in the image above.
This issue could happen for many reasons, for example:
The Blockchain state might not have changed yet
A lot of users might be interacting with ABI Playground at the same time
The owner of the Token Authority made an error during the deployment
What can you do to solve the problem?
Option 1: You can use a KRNL Sandbox feature to receive the TA public key by putting in the TA address.
Option 2: This option is a little more complex, but you can call your TA directly through other tools, such as Foundry
As this is another ABI Playground Error, you can follow the same two solutions as the previous issue to resolve the problem:
Option 1 - You can use a KRNL Sandbox feature to receive the TA public key by putting in the TA address.
Option 2 - This option is a little more complex, but you can call your TA directly through other tools, such as Foundry.
To solve this error, make sure that you have added the Oasis Sapphire Testnet to your MetaMask, then refresh the page one time.
When making a request from the faucet, please make sure you select Sapphire from the dropdown menu. We are focusing specifically on Oasis Sapphire Testnet, so by selecting any other option, you will encounter errors.
As stated in the image, the error is an invalid address.
For this case, the smart contract address has to be "0x123...." and not "<0x123...>".
The issue here are the brackets < and >, by removing them from the URL, you will solve the problem.
Please note, this is just a warning statement indicating that there is an unused local variable in the Token Authority contract.
As it is not an error statement, you may proceed.
The above issue could be caused by a number of reasons:
It could be an issue on Etherscan's side, therefore you should try again later.
Failure to provide an API key will cause Etherscan to have an error. Include the API key and try again.
You may need to refresh your browser and verify again.
To solve the issue shown in the image above, simply click "Enable?" for Etherscan and then paste your Etherscan API Key.
For more detailed information on this issue, visit the following page:
There are several different methods that may solve this issue:
By using different supported browser such as: Firefox, Chrome, or Brave
By using different wallet address
By refreshing the page and reconnecting your wallet
By using WalletConnect instead of Injected Provider
As stated in the image above, the Token Authority Address is either invalid or does not exist.
Double-check your information, and if it's still showing this error message, check your TA contract through Oasis Explorer, to make sure it has already been deployed on the Oasis Sapphire network.
This link should help:
Note: It's possible that there was a mistake made during the copying and pasting process.
Do not skip any step in the 10-Minute Tutorial.
This issue is likely caused by invalid TA contract address during Part III: Smart Contract Registration in step 3 of 10-Minute Tutorial.
Here are the steps that you could follow:
Go back to your Smart Contract ID page
Double-check your Token Authority Address is correct
You can check the previous issue on how to check your TA address is valid or not
Note: Using an invalid Token Authority (TA) address may result in an inability to open an access token, as the Access Token depends on calling the correct Token Authority.
You must install the contract verification plugin in the plugin manager.
Make sure you follow Part II: Steps for Smart Contracts step 12 in the 10-Minute Tutorial
This issue is caused by using a different kernel ID from the 10-Minute Tutorial code template.
If you are trying to complete the 10-Minute Tutorial, you must use kernel ID 337.
Make sure you check Part III: Smart Contract Registration step 3
This bug is likely due to missing some steps from the 10-Minute Tutorial
For example:
During step 20, you might have used the "TA Contract Address" instead of "TAPublicKeyAddress" as a constructor during the deployment of Sample.sol
During step 20, you might select the wrong smart contract for the deployment
During "III. Smart Contract Registration" in step 3, you are asked to fill the required values and click "Activate". At this stage, make sure you use your deployed TA Contract Address, not the TA PublicKeyAddress.
Noted: It is recommended that you start from the beginning and follow the tutorial more carefully, or try to retrace your steps to find the error and progress from there.
Don't worry, these components are not mandatory to complete 10-Minute Tutorial.
This issue could be coming from Remix IDE's end.
The cause of it could be related to the newly added Git Plugin to Remix IDE, which causes an unexpected bug on Git.
Here's one solution process for a temporary debug:
Go to our 10-Minute Tutorial repository on GitHub
Download ZIP from the "10-Minute Tutorial" code repository
Manually import the "smart-contracts" folder from the repository into Remix IDE.
Once completed, you should be able to resume your progress on the 10-Minute Tutorial.
Reminder: Ensure you also extract or unzip the files in step two
As shown in the error, the current contract that you have input is not the contract you deployed with your current wallet.
You might have used a different wallet address during smart contract deployment